Pre-Teen Ten, Eleven & Twelve Year Old Girls Birthday and Christmas Ideas
We surveyed a number of 10 to 12-year-old girls and asked them what they would REALLY like to receive as Christmas and birthday gifts. We've featured a few of the top choices on this page: use the Search option to find lots more great ideas!
Paintballing for Eight
Imagine crashing through the undergrowth, dodging paintballs, hiding behind buses or helicopters and spying on enemies. This is a real chance to shake off those day-to-day responsibilities and rekindle a spirit of adventure. On arrival, get kitted out with full body armour, head protection and the latest USA-spec rapid-fire semi-automatic machinegun. Begin with a briefing from the friendly DF marshalling staff, prior to selecting a game zone of choice. There are six zones in all and as many or as few can be played as you like. Paintballs are not included but there is no limit on how many can be bought on the day and hot drinks are on tap throughout. The day concludes with a debrief and awards presentation.

We know what Pre Teen Girls want!
We surveyed a number of 10 to 12-year-old girls and asked them what they would REALLY like to receive as Christmas and birthday gifts. We've featured a few of the top choices on this page: use the Search option to find lots more great ideas!
What do girls aged 10 to 12 want for Xmas this year?
As always, things relating to popular TV and movie characters are very popular. The hottest ones this year are Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and the vampire love story, Twilight.
Girls want entertainment!
... and the most popular ways of getting it are via iPods, games consoles (Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS) and a hot new favourite: portable DVD players (now that the price of portable DVD players has come down to such a reasonable level - starting at under £60!)The birthday girl will love our gift suggestions!
How can we be sure? Because we asked actual 11-year-old girls what they would really love to receive as birthday or Christmas gifts - and they told us!